Frequently Asked Questions
Referrals are sent to Youth Court by Cattaraugus County Department of Probation after they have been screened and determined to be appropriate for Youth Court. Felonies cannot be sent to Youth Court even if the youth is a first time offender.
Local law enforcement may also make referrals to Youth Court.
Both the youth and parent(s) or legal guardian will be scheduled for a pre-hearing conference at the Youth Court office. The program will be explained in detail and a hearing will be scheduled. The youth must be willing to admit his or her guilt to the crime.
All Youth Court hearings are held in the first floor courtroom in the City of Olean Municipal Building. Every hearing is private and closed to the public. Only the parent(s) or legal guardian and youth are permitted inside the courtroom. Court is in session 2 Monday evenings each month.
The Youth Court is staffed by fully trained high school students who serve as the Judge, Side Judge, Law Guardian and Facts Attorney. The Youth Court Coordinator is also present, along with any members from local law enforcement and Probation who wish to attend. All individuals are held to highest degree of confidentiality. What is heard and said in court stays in court.
Community Service hours are always part of the sentence, along with weekly office visits and any other sanctions that the court deems appropriate such as letters of apology, restitution, counseling, etc.
It is understood by offenders and their parents and guardians that they have a certain amount of time to complete their sentence or their case will be referred back to the originating agency, which will impose its own type of punishment.
- Alcohol Possession under age 21
- Harassment
- Disorderly Conduct
- Unlawful Possession of Marijuana
- Petit Larceny
- Making Graffiti
- Prohibited Disposal of Waste
- Unlawful Fleeing a Police Officer
- Violation of City Ordinance: In Park After Curfew
- Shoplifting
- Trespass
- Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle
- Criminal Mischief
- Vandalism
- Theft of Services
*Felonies are not heard in Youth Court even if the offender is a first time offender.