Mayor’s Press Release – Mayor Honors Volunteer of the Year

Mayor Aiello Honors City Volunteers John Balacki Named Volunteer of the Year October 28, 2024–Olean—William J. Aiello, Mayor of the City of Olean, held a Volunteer Appreciation Pizza Party at the John J. Ash Community Center on Thursday, October 24, 2024 at 4:00 p.m.  Numerous volunteers who serve the City were invited to attend.  Guests represented the Litter Control Group, the Downtown Olean Beautification Group, the Senior Center and the Bartlett…

DPW Press Release 10/24 – North Second Street

PRESS RELEASE WATER SERVICE LINE REPAIR300 Block North Second Street The City of Olean Department of Public Works Water Distribution Division is undertaking water service repair on Friday, October 25, 2024. Water will be off while work is being performed, affecting the 300 block of North Second Street, beginning at approximately 10:00am. Water is expected to be off for approximately 2-3 hours Please call (716) 376-5657 with any questions.

DPW Press Release 10/22 – Disposal of Yard Waste

PRESS RELEASE City of Olean ResidentsDisposal of Yard Waste Mayor William Aiello is announcing that the Front Street Yard, near the intersection of Seneca Avenue, will be opened again for residents to dispose of yard waste on: Saturday, November 2, 2024 Hours of operation will be from 8am to 12pm (noon). Yard waste includes grass clippings, leaves, branches, tree limbs.  Tree trunks are NOT permitted.  The lot will be opened…

DPW Press Release 10/22 – York Street

PRESS RELEASE WATER VALVE REPAIR THE 500 BLOCK OF YORK STREETWEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2024. The City of Olean Department of Public Works Water Distribution Division is undertaking a water valve replacement on Wednesday, October 23, 2024. Water will be off while the work is being performed on Indiana Avenue from the intersection of York Street up to the start of the dirt road, as well as the first five houses on…

DPW Press Release 10/18 #3 – Independence Ave

PRESS RELEASE Independence Ave On Monday, October 21, 2024, the City of Olean Contractors will be undertaking necessary work on Independence Avenue (within the City limits).  This will require the north bound lane of Independence Avenue at its intersection to West State Street to be closed. Work is expected to begin around 9:00 am and last 1-2 hours.  The south bound lane of Independence Avenue will remain open while work…

DPW Press Release 10/18 #2 – Walkable Olean Phase III

PRESS RELEASE CITY OF OLEAN WALKABLE OLEAN PHASE III Construction continues on Walkable Olean Phase III along East State Street from Front Street to North Union Street. The active work zone will be from Union Street to Clinton Street. The contractor will be paving the remainder of the roundabout and finishing work on the median.  Traffic will be down to one lane with traffic lights. Please use caution in the…

DPW Press Release 10/18 #1 – South Union Street

PRESS RELEASE CITY OF OLEAN SOUTH UNION STREET STREETSCAPE Construction continues on South Union Street from Franchot Blvd to the Roundabout at State Street. Please use caution in the work zone and watch for work crews. Traffic will be down to one lane at times and there will be sidewalk detours in place.  It is recommended that motorists and pedestrians use alternate routes. We appreciate your patience as we undertake…