Community Development
The Department of Community Development was originally created in the late 1960’s to implement programs funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Since New York State’s takeover of these programs in 2000, the City has successfully utilized Community Development Block Grant dollars to develop affordable housing opportunities in the community; establish loan/grant programs to stimulate job creation and retention; and to provide funding for public improvement projects. Partnering with private and public agencies, and with the assistance of Federal and State grants, the department is also actively involved in downtown revitalization, mass transit operations, EEO and wage rate compliance, furthering fair housing, creation of placemaking projects and redeveloping abandoned brownfield sites with the goal of stimulating economic growth and expanding the City’s tax base.
Olean Downtown Revitalization Initiative Plan
Fair Housing Plan
Section 504 Americans With Disabilities Act Plan
Comprehensive Zoning Update
Olean Comprehensive Plan
Olean Zoning Laws
Downtown Olean Form-Based Zoning Code
Olean Market Rate Upper Story Housing Demand Analysis
County of Cattaraugus Microenterprise Assistance Program Grant Application
Downtown Revitalization Initiative
Walkable Olean – North Union Street Project
County of Cattaraugus Microenterprise Assistance Program Fact Sheet
Community Forest Management Plan (Adopted)
Preservation and Expansion of the Urban Forest
NY Tourism Return-to-Work Grant Program
Unemployment Insurance Fraud Links:
New York State Department of Labor
Federal Trade Commission
Annual Credit Report
(Through April 2021 Annual Credit report is allowing free credit report checks each week)
COVID Stimulus Programs
Housing Links: