Code Enforcement
The City of Olean’s Building/Code Enforcement Department became incorporated into the Fire Department on January 1, 1994, under the new Charter, and is now known as the Department of Fire, Buildings and Emergency Services. The Department of Buildings is responsible for the administration and enforcement of all local codes, state codes and zoning laws of the city. The division is under direct control of the Fire Chief and supervised by the Deputy Fire Chief of Fire Prevention.
Rental Property Inspections
Rental Property Registration Information
Property Maintenance Notice 2021
Local Law 03-2015 Zoning Solar Energy
Downtown Olean Form-Based Zoning Code – December 2015
City of Olean Zoning Map
Landlord Registration
Landlord Registration Resolution #92-10
City of Olean Zoning Laws
Property Maintenance
The mission of this department is to preserve property values and eliminate blight by maintaining all properties in a condition that reflects a quality community. This is no easy task, as what may be aesthetically pleasing to some may not be to others. (The goal is to updated this information at the end of every week).
Complaint Process
This program is complaint-based and requires the complainant to file a “Complaint Form”. The complaint form is available by clicking on the “Complaint Form” icon currently in development. *Exact addresses must accompany all complaints.
Once your complaint is received and assigned a tracking number, an on-site inspection to verify the complaint will be conducted in approximately 7 business days (3 days for grass complaints) depending on workload. If the complaint is verified, a “Notice of Noncompliance” (Order to Remedy) to correct conditions is sent to the owner-of-record. A second notice or an extension may be considered depending on the severity of the violation(s). In extreme cases, a citation may be issued for noncompliance.
Please note: Once a citation is issued, the matter must be reviewed by the Municipal Court. No further action may be taken until after the initial court ruling. This time line is dependent on the number of cases scheduled before the court. The average time to correct most property violations is 60 days. If a citation is issued, the process can be up to a year or longer depending on the severity of the case.
Complaint Status
If you want to know the status of your complaint, please contact the Code Enforcement Office at (716) 376-5683.
*Please note: Complaints are handled by the degree of public safety involved. If a complaint comes in after many others, and it is deemed by this office a high priority of public safety, it will be handled above all others.
Non Property Maintenance Complaints
Not all complaints are property maintenance but your concerns can be routed to the correct department when necessary.
Click here for an online form you can submit: