1. Fires
a. Structure
b. Vehicle
c. Rubbish
d. Grass, forest, brush, or mulch
e. Other Type
2. Overpressure, rupture or explosion
a. Steam Explosion
b. Explosion of any type
3. Rescue or EMS Incidents
a. EMS Calls
b. Motor Vehicle Collisions
c. Rescues
4. Hazardous Condition
a. Power Lines Down
b. Gas Leak
c. Carbon Monoxide Present
5. Service Call
a. Water Leak
b. Assisting Police or DPW
6. Good Intent
a. Animal Rescues
b. Helping someone with a utility problem
7. False Alarm or False Call
a. Smoke or Fire Alarm Activation
b. Carbon Monoxide Alarm without Carbon Monoxide Present
8. Special Weather or Disaster
9. Special Incident Type