DPW Press Release 4/3/2023 Front Street Opening Saturday for Storm Cleanup


City of Olean Residents

Disposal of Yard Waste Resulting from Storms

Due to the recent storm, Mayor William Aiello is announcing that the Front Street Yard, near the intersection of Seneca Avenue, will be opened for residents to dispose of yard waste this Saturday, April 8, 2023 from 10am to 2pm.

Yard waste includes grass clippings, leaves, branches, tree limbs.  Tree trunks are NOT permitted. 

The lot will be opened to City of Olean residents only, identification with proof of residency will be required.

No contractors will be permitted to dispose of waste at this site

The lot will be supervised by a City of Olean employee.

Paper bags are allowed but no plastic bags please.


City of Olean Department of Public Works
(716) 376-5650