Help Wanted – Youth & Rec Summer Help (Part-time)

Summer Employment (Part-Time)

The City of Olean Youth Bureau & Recreation Department is currently accepting employment applications for the following positions:

Certified Lifeguards – Franchot Wading Pool $18.00 to 19.00/hr.
Must possess a current valid NYS Lifeguard certificate and First Aid certificate.

Recreation Leaders (late June-early August) – $15/hr
For summer recreation program.

You must be 16 years of age or older by June 1 to apply. All positions are seasonal, part-time with no benefits. Applications are available in the Olean Municipal Building, Room 109 or on-line at  (Mail to: City of Olean, Youth & Recreation, P.O. Box 668, Olean, NY 14760 or email to [email protected].) For more information, call 716-376-5698. City of Olean residents will be given preference in filling positions. The City of Olean is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Provider.