Mayor’s Press Release – Mayor’s Cup Golf Tournament Winners

Winners Announced for the Mayor’s Cup Golf Tournament

May 9, 2023—Olean—William J. Aiello, Mayor of the City of Olean, is pleased to announce the winners
of the Mayor’s Cup Golf Tournament that took place at the Bartlett Country Club Golf Course. The
tournament benefits the Mayor’s Scholarship Fund. The Mayor’s Scholarship is available to high school
seniors who are residents of the City of Olean and intend to pursue accounting, criminal justice or
engineering in their studies.

The winners of the tournament were:


Gross: Shaun Callahan
Net: Chris Chiapuso


Gross: Paul Bzdak
Net: Paul Bzdak


Gross: Sheila Kehoe
Net: Sheila Kehoe

Photo Identification (Left to Right):
Paul Bzdak—Senior Division Lowest Gross and Lowest Net
Sheila Kehoe — Women Division Lowest Gross and Lowest Net
Mayor Aiello
Shaun Callahan – Men’s Division Lowest Gross
Chris Chiapuso—Men’s Division Lowest Net