Time Capsule to Be Opened
April 6, 2022—Olean— William J. Aiello, Mayor of the City of Olean, announced that the centennial time capsule planted on September 26, 1993 will be opened on Monday, April 11, 2022 at 11:00 a.m. at the Olean Municipal Building on the East State Street side.
The City of Olean was incorporated in April 1893 and a committee was formed to honor that milestone in 1993. A time capsule was placed underground near the Municipal Building mural with the intention of it being exhumed during the City’s 125th anniversary in 2018.
“Contractors have started to work on the plaza at the Municipal Building and it is an opportune time to dig up the time capsule,” said Mayor Aiello. “We look forward to opening it and see what items were preserved. I understand that the committee worked very hard to maintain the integrity of the items in the capsule by placing it in a vault to add extra protection from the moisture.”
Many of committee members and local government officials at the time have been located and have been invited to the event. Members of the public are invited to attend as well.
Below are two photographs of the monuments at the City building that were installed to commemorate the City’s centennial in 1993. The time capsule is underneath the monuments.